smilieYessss… dear fellow human beings, today is the day! Today there’s no excuse. On this day you are allowed to be shamelessly happy. Let all the ideas of how things should be go… Let your heart giggle without hesitation. It’s allowed and possible on the International Day of Happiness!

Of course there are still 287 days left in 2016 to experience feelings of joy and happiness and for the brave amongst us, to share that feeling. Who would think of dedicating a complete day to happiness? I would have loved to be the one who came up with the idea, but the credits go to the UN in 2012.  They came up with the idea because they believe sharing happiness to be a tool to increase the welbeing of the entire world.

are-you-happyBarely awake with only one cup of coffee in his system my boyfriend is asked: “Are you happy? He’s used to being asked a question like that at completley unpredictable moments. He takes a moment to think and answers: “I guess I am.” To know what it’s like to be happy, you’d have to know what is like to be unhappy. We discuss the meaning of happiness and we come to the conclusion that being happy is a personal experience and is different for each person.

Can one influence happiness? Even if life is rough and bad things are happening? Well, how do you solve that question, miss Happy Minds? A young Asian woman walks into the building on a Friday afternoon. I was talking to a colleague as I see her standing there with an expression of total despair.  She has a pile of letters in her hand from the government. She doesn’t understand the Dutch language and even if she were a native speaker, she would have had trouble understanding the letters. This woman might have asked me the question about how to be happy in times of trouble.

I take her with me to my desk. I start calling colleagues with the expertise that is required for this sort of problems. I write down some addresses and Phone numbers for her to call. As I walk with her towards the exit I say: “Chin up dear and look at the sky, it’s all going to be alright soon.” “The people I recommended to you are going to help you!” She looks at me with tears in her eyes and says: “I’m so happy!”

Her problems aren’t  solved yet, but she got a bit of hope and at that precise moment she is happy, even though there are grey clouds above her.

You know what the beauty of this situation is? Two people were happy at the same time. The Asian woman, because she got some hope in a time where she thought all was lost. Me, because I had the opportunity to pay attention to her needs and helping her by using my network.

So if you have a moment to spare today, just make a jump for joy about all the things you have in your life, smile at a stranger without asking if that’s appropriate behaviour, make someone happy, because you can and celebrate the ability to be happy with the world.



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